Eating an Apple a day keeps the doctor away

Apple Health Benefits You Shouldn’t Ignore

You may have heard the old saying of "Eating an apple a day keeps the doctor away." Funny enough, apples are not among the listed "superfoods" that each have their own set of unique health benefits. Well, newsflash: These crunchy, brightly-colored fruits, in all their varieties, are also good for your health. That is why it is good to munch on at least one slice if not the whole thing. You can eat apples as snacks or you can also add them to your breakfast bowls or smoothies.
 Many health benefits of apples that you should not ignore:

Fights Cancer 

Compared to other fruits and vegetables, apples have more antioxidants especially on their skins, making them cancer-fighting superfoods. Studies found that eating one or more apples daily, as opposed to any other fruit, helped lower the risk of colorectal cancer. Other studies have also shown that apples can help prevent lung and prostate cancer.

Lowers Stroke Risk 

A study carried out on nearly 10,000 people over the age of 28 found that the risk of thrombotic stroke is lesser in those who ate the most apples. All this is linked to the fact that apples contain about 20 percent of the daily recommended amount of fiber, which is found by another review to lower risk of heart diseases and stroke.

Helps In Weight Loss 

Packed with less than 100 calories, apples are more filling compared to a single cracker with the same calories. One study found that those eating apple slices before a meal felt fuller and went on to consume 200 fewer calories during the said meal. Apples also contain compounds that help feed healthy bacteria in the gut, potentially lowering the risk of some obesity-related health issues. 

Good For The Brain 

Apples are rich in various antioxidants; among these is quercetin, which was shown to have a protective effect on nerve cells, helping them survive and continue to function. One animal study found that a high dose of the antioxidant can protect from complications leading to Alzheimer's disease.

Lowers Risk Of Diabetes 

Polyphenols, which are micronutrients abundantly present in apples, are thought to prevent tissue damage to insulin-producing cells. A study found that eating an apple a day lowers risk of type 2 diabetes by 28 percent. You can take few apples in a week for the same result.

Apple useful for skin

  freshness and Spotless skin

What’s more, an equivalent serving provide

The depart an apple is rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains polyphenols, an antioxidant that helps protects against ultraviolet and results in younger looking skin. Apple peels also are rich in vitamin C , which prevents premature aging, and enhances skin glow.Apple useful for skin What’s more, an equivalent serving provide

Weight Loss Diet Plan: Is Apple Cider Vinegar Keto? Burn Belly Fat Fast With Drink

Two tablespoons a day helped adults lose 3.7lbs over three months without changing up any other aspect of their diet.
Another study found those who were dieting lost double the amount if they took two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar a day.
Is it suggested that having ACV before a meal is the best time to drink it.
Additionally, the drink can help keep blood sugar levels down when taken before a high-carb meal.

weight lose


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